App Accessibility Podcast Out Now!
Published: 09/04/2021
Author: focusgov
Our latest podcast helps you demystify app accessibility, understand what you need to do to adhere to regulations and meet legislation, and how we can support you.

The second in our series of podcasts where we talk about our work with local authorities is presented by our Technical Director Neil Smith. He is joined by Annette Ryske our Client Services Director and myself, Jordana Jeffrey the Senior Digital Designer.
If you listened to our previous Care Leavers App podcast you'll know we briefly touched on accessibility during that discussion.
In the latest episode, we elaborate further on this as all local authority apps must meet accessibility regulations by 23 June 2021 when the Government Digital Service (GDS) will be checking apps for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG2.1) compliance.
In the 'App Accessibility' podcast we demystify app accessibility, help you understand what you need to do to adhere to accessibility guidelines and meet legislation, and how we can support you with this.
If this deadline affects you, then whatever your degree of accessibility knowledge, it may benefit you greatly to tune in and discover answers to questions such as;
- What is accessibility?
- Why have an app?
- Do we have to adhere to app accessibility regulations?
- What happens if we don’t adhere to app accessibility regulations?
- What’s involved in ensuring app accessibility and how can focusgov audit apps and resolve issues?
- What is an accessibility statement and how can focusgov help us create one?
- What support does focusgov provide in order to maintain accessibility standards post-audit?
Remember you will need to allow time for any issues to be resolved in time for the June deadline so we strongly advise you audit your app as soon as possible.
You can find out more about the service we provide in our easy to digest online App Accessibility Audit brochure.
Please feel free to get in touch with us with any queries or to arrange an accessibility audit, we'd love to to help you!